Change Labels on Checkout Page

There are certain places in the Jimdo system where text appears that cannot be changed through conventional means. One example is on the checkout page where all the labels are controlled by the language you selected for your Jimdo website. 


By using jQuery we can target these labels and replace all or some of the text.



<!-- Only need to call jquery once per head-->

<script src="" 
type="text/javascript"> </script> 

<script type="text/javascript">
    /* Replaces the label "Discount Code" on the checkout page with the word "Bro". 
    You start by identifying the class of the label - in this case that is 
    "j-checkout__input-label--coupon"...  You can also replace just one word 
    of the label*/
    $(document).ready(function() {
                return $(this).text().replace("Discount Code", "Bro");